Accurate, affordable and versatile devices to measure current – 24/7
Metering & Monitoring solutions that cut costs and improve the bottom line.
Our engineering specialists in the Metering & Monitoring division, develop innovative solutions for new and retrofit equipment, systems and production lines. Our services address a variety of operational and production challenges faced by mission critical sites such as quality control issues, inefficient production processes and site breakdowns.
We design and implement solutions to help you reduce operating costs and ultimately improve your bottom line.
Some of these cost-saving solutions are:
- Upgrading motors and related controls to minimize electricity costs
- Updating existing equipment documentation
- Creating new schematic CAD documentation as an ‘as-built’
detailed drawing set to ensure de-commissioning, re-assembly
and recommissioning of equipment runs smoothly and avoids costly downtime - Overseeing and assisting with potentially disruptive production line relocations